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> Tigawoods' 1995 Celica, Racing n Stuff
post Jun 12, 2018 - 6:10 PM
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Went to go assess it again.
Car still cant go into any gears while idling. Had to put it in reverse with the car off to back out of my parking spot.
Basically need to revmatch each downshift near perfect or it won't go into the gear. It shudders in first when trying to get it going from a stop, needed to rev it up fairly high for it to engage and go. So, sound like a clutch problem. Ordered a Southbend. Going to try them out for the first time.

QUOTE (BonzaiCelica @ Jun 12, 2018 - 3:49 PM) *
why don't you down shift into 2nd before the turn with the banking.... if thats the correct name for it?

It's a very high speed downhill and with late braking I tried downshifting but was still going too fast and overrevved the engine twice going into second. Just kept it in 3rd until I can figure out a better braking point to where I can downshift still. Can't heel toe downshift yet because noberto hasn't sent me his fancy bracket. So for now braking and downshifting are two separate actions

Also 100th page on the thread begins with the failing of my clutch...nice lol

This post has been edited by Tigawoods: Jun 12, 2018 - 7:20 PM


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Jun 12, 2018 - 6:53 PM
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Joined Apr 24, '08
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YOUR HEEL TOE ISSUES SOUNDS FAMILIAR. I had the issue on my 94 ST. but with my 99 its pretty easy. dont know if abs has anything to do with it as far as pedal height goes....

This post has been edited by BonzaiCelica: Jun 25, 2018 - 12:49 AM

Group buy to replicate Narrow E series transaxle parts

post Jun 15, 2018 - 7:59 AM
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I am towing the car up to 'Garage Parents' today and will be attempting a 4(ish) hour clutch job. Fingers crossed the FW looks mint, I put it in new when I did the swap (3ish years ago) If not the 4hr job will turn into 4+ Finding a place to FW resurface on a Saturday. If its passable I will just hand scrub it clean and call it a day. With my luck, I am sure it will need to be resurfaced.


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Jun 18, 2018 - 7:37 AM
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well the rush of the clutch job was halted by a delay in the clutch shipment. Had to intercept it from UPS on Saturday rather than wait until its new delivery day Monday.
Once I got the clutch, I dropped the trans, and of course the flywheel looks less than desirable and not really passable to throw back in. So I am getting it resurfaced this week and putting the trans back in next weekend. It gave me time to clean up the trans and am addressing some threadless bolt holes.

the culprit to this unexpected clutch change

just sitting and waiting


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Jun 24, 2018 - 12:18 PM
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well better to be a clutch than transmission

Learned a lot in 10 years... I hardly log in anymore, last login Today Sept 6 2019, and I was forced just to clarify a post. LOL

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2grfe Swapped... Why I chose the 2GR, before you ask read here...

A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.

@llamaraxing in Instagram is the best way to find me. I hardly log here anymore.
post Jul 3, 2018 - 8:47 AM
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Finally I got the flywheel back from resurfacing. So the weekend was spent putting the car back together. In 97degree heat.

I didnt notice this when I had taken the flywheel off. I need to see if the hotspots on the face match up with these. Im sure they will.

ORC back in

There are a few construction differences between the two pressure plates


as I havent really done any physical activity in the last few months, bench pressing the trans with a pair of wet noodles wasnt working out. So after a few failed attempts, I went with the easier method.

All in, the clutch feels lighter than the SPEC. There are a few odd noises I'm hearing that I hope go away throughout the break-in. The car is running so much smoother than before (especially with the new gear fluid). I have to log on 300+/- miles before race weekend on the 19th. This is going to be my DD for a little while


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Jul 3, 2018 - 10:56 AM
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Joined Nov 7, '06
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Which Southbend clutch did you go with? The Stage 3 Endurance I have in the Poopra is a phuc ton lighter than the Spec I had in it when I initially did the swap.

-Alex {](O_o)[}

1993.5 Toyota Supra ....with stuff.... ....sorta broken....
1998 Toyota Celica ....this one, too, has stuff.... ....broken....yeah...definitely broken....
post Jul 3, 2018 - 2:33 PM
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Stage 2 Endurance


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Jul 3, 2018 - 2:52 PM
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QUOTE (Tigawoods @ Jul 3, 2018 - 3:33 PM) *
Stage 2 Endurance

yea stage 1 was discontinued. i had one and it was good. so i had to buy a stage 2

Group buy to replicate Narrow E series transaxle parts

post Jul 12, 2018 - 6:23 PM
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Initial D Is in Stage5, you guys will get there soon

Learned a lot in 10 years... I hardly log in anymore, last login Today Sept 6 2019, and I was forced just to clarify a post. LOL

If you PM me and I dont respond, dont fret or cry. Im alive, better post your questions in the thread below, maybe I log back in

2grfe Swapped... Why I chose the 2GR, before you ask read here...

A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.

@llamaraxing in Instagram is the best way to find me. I hardly log here anymore.
post Jul 14, 2018 - 7:14 AM
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Wow love to see this thing still going!
Crazy work dude
post Jul 18, 2018 - 8:53 AM
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still a ways to go! But observing everything and how it takes to racing, so far the clutch went so I am looking next at axles and etc. Picking up a spare transmission this fall to teardown and rebuild to have on hand.


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Jul 25, 2018 - 8:21 AM
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had a rush of a weekend.
I went to remedy the rear fitment because in the past I gouged my tires from the fender contacting the tire under load. I stupidy figured that adding more camber in the rear would help. I went and had the rear arms pushed out to get about 3.7deg of camber put in. After it was all said and done I had the car down and looked at it. It was much worse. I realized that the pivot point was the top of the strut and that I basically just pushed the whole wheel outwards.

Move forward to the fitting of the 15mm bolt on spacers (I had 18mm on originally). Each nut had to be trimmed to avoid contact with my wheel. This took a good while but it helped a good bit as I couldnt get another alignment appointment for the next day and needed a solution.

(at the track I raised the rear up to avoid further rubbing)

I also had decided to replace the shredded brake duct hose with a new piece and when doing this I found grease ont he inside lip of my wheel. After looking around I found it was my CV boot. This winter I noticed a slight tear (not all the way through) so I patched it with some permatex silicone. This surprisingly held up through 2 trackdays and some other driving. Now it had opened up about half an inch. I didnt have much time to repair it so I put more silicone over it. I also decided to go out and get some shoe goo after reading about its use with quick boot repair and put that on as well.
In the morning I went to see how it cured. Not well.

Long story short I ordered a replacement boot kit from toyota the evening before just in case this didnt work. Picked it up, popped it on (locked myself out of the celica had to have it popped open) and got the axle in and drove it straight to the drag strip for the weekends first event.

The only casualties of the weekend was my exhaust hanger welds not holding up and my front emblem blowing off at the drag strip rolleyes.gif

A look at the different lines I took in the rainy session at the track


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Jul 25, 2018 - 10:31 AM
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Joined Aug 4, '06
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You may have covered this previously Mike, but what are you using to track your lines around the track? Looks like such a neat tool.

post Jul 25, 2018 - 11:45 AM
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nah i didnt, I just got it last week. Its the AIM Solo II


1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM
post Jul 25, 2018 - 2:48 PM
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Joined Jun 18, '09
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That is fascinating. One of the greens looks like a fast lap.

'97 ST \ Eibach \ KYB \ Kenwood \ Alpine \ Cusco \ OEM+ [sold 10/18]
'93 MX-5 LE
post Jul 25, 2018 - 3:37 PM
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Joined Feb 2, '07
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That's pretty cool! now all you need is a Playstation in the glovebox so you can play gran tourismo at the same time. biggrin.gif

and dang, your car is a prime example of extreme fitment with those shaved nuts.


*1997 Celica ST - 3SGE Greytop BEAMS
*1977 Celica RA29 - Classic Cruiser
*2005 Matrix AWD - dedded but still hanging around like a ghost
2019 Rav4 XLE Premium - Sports mode is fun.
post Jul 25, 2018 - 6:29 PM
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Joined Mar 15, '07
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so tigawoods shaved his nuts for better clearance?

Learned a lot in 10 years... I hardly log in anymore, last login Today Sept 6 2019, and I was forced just to clarify a post. LOL

If you PM me and I dont respond, dont fret or cry. Im alive, better post your questions in the thread below, maybe I log back in

2grfe Swapped... Why I chose the 2GR, before you ask read here...

A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.

@llamaraxing in Instagram is the best way to find me. I hardly log here anymore.
post Jul 25, 2018 - 6:36 PM
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Joined Jun 9, '16
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Man that track looks amazing. I wish we had something like that up here in MN.
post Jul 25, 2018 - 6:54 PM
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QUOTE (SwissFerdi @ Jul 25, 2018 - 3:48 PM) *
That is fascinating. One of the greens looks like a fast lap.

these actually all rain laps lol super slow, and I think I excluded the fastest lap from this map frown.gif

QUOTE (cheela @ Jul 25, 2018 - 4:37 PM) *
That's pretty cool! now all you need is a Playstation in the glovebox so you can play gran tourismo at the same time. biggrin.gif

and dang, your car is a prime example of extreme fitment with those shaved nuts.

Your suggestion has been received and will be reviewed by the tigawoods race car committee

QUOTE (njccmd2002 @ Jul 25, 2018 - 7:29 PM) *
so tigawoods shaved his nuts for better clearance?

yup. smooth as a baby turtle shell.

QUOTE (TimeslideZ @ Jul 25, 2018 - 7:36 PM) *
Man that track looks amazing. I wish we had something like that up here in MN.



1995 GT::::Diffusing the Situation
march 2010 COTM : 6GC feature 2014 : january 2015-2016-2018 COTM

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