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> Hand brake shoe floppy after removing brake disc
post Mar 21, 2009 - 2:16 PM
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Joined Mar 14, '09
From Portishead
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I have a problem with my hand brake shoes. One of them is quite tight with a spring holding it close to the axle side. But the other is flopping about. The spring on that one is very loose, mostly I think because the pin that goes through the spring and the shoe is a LOT longer (nearly half an inch longer) than the other one. I was thinking about replacing the shoes, because they appear to be fairly worn.
At the moment the shoes seem to lock the wheel, probably due to the one flopping around. What surprices me is that I never had any problems with it before.
Are there any kits for these pins and springs around? If so where can I get them?
Also, is there something I am overseeing? Is it possible that it is the tight shoe that is locking the wheel when spinning it in the driving direction?
post Mar 22, 2009 - 11:59 AM
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Joined Mar 14, '09
From Portishead
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Alright, since no one seems to have an answer for me, I will ask another question:
Does anyone have an illustrated procedure for replacing hand brake shoes? What parts will I need in addition to the shoes? Any retaining pins with springs? Can someone give me some part numbers please?
post Mar 22, 2009 - 6:58 PM
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Joined Mar 3, '05
From Richmond, B.C.
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It's unlikely any of your e-brake assembly needs to be replaced -- even the shoes are probably good. They start out only a millimetre or so thick.

Try adjusting the brake positioning screw; there should be a hole in the drum section of the rotor, rotate the rotor so that the hole is at the bottom and use a flathead screwdriver to bring the brakes into contact with the drum, then back it off slightly. The brakes are self-adjusting and will take care of the rest.

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