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> SlvrCelica06.. to SlvrCelica09, Flashback to 4 years ago of how my car looked to now
post Mar 21, 2010 - 11:49 AM
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Joined Jan 10, '09
From Burtonsville, Maryland
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Since its almost the end of an amazing experience driving/modding my Celica I thought it would be cool to take one last look of the events leading up to now.

August 2006: Happy Happy day... I got a celica! from a local auction

decided to clean it up a little bit..

decided to get some small fog lights lol (fail)

man these are some oldddd pics lol

2007: EVO 9 nearly took my life.. the celica saved me smile.gif driver side door was completely smashed.. got it replaced but the frame damage was never fixed.
I couldn't find any clear turn signals.. so I decided what the heck might as well paint it silver.. (success)

you could still see the lights when I turned also so it was a pretty sweet deal

after 2 years of driving like this.. I decided it was finally time for a change..

2009: year of the GT4 you could say.

February 2009:

convertered my front end to GT4.. and decided to get a nice UK plate... to help express my hate for the car that nearly took my life

got some nice 18 inch sport tuner rims..

Decided to take some pics with a couple friends

Underground parking lot

Shot with a supra

May 2009.. The hood of destruction.. forgot to close my hood and yea.. a fixed windshield later, I got a damaged hood.
Decided to get a little TRD badge to put on the front grill so maybe people wouldn't notice the hood.

September to November 2009: the swap that lead to the end of a dynasty

If I could go back in time.. I would tell myself not to do it.. a swap is just not something for college students.. you don't have time or money to finish a swap.. even if you've done the research there's still going to be hidden surprises. As far as swapping the engine in.. that was a success. it actually only took a day and change after getting the 5s out.

I wish I had time to finish the entire swap process.. its a shame the celica regime has come to such a abrupt end. When the car is sold.. it will be a sad sad day.. frown.gif

This post has been edited by SlvrCelica09: Mar 21, 2010 - 12:13 PM

Still trying to find the cure for ST205 asthma..
6gc.net's outlaw vigilante because im a LEADER not a follower.
post Mar 21, 2010 - 12:22 PM
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Joined Feb 11, '08
From Auckland, New Zealand
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With the stock BOV plumbed back into a pod filter intake like that, does it make a "tu tu tu tu tu" sound or none at all?

Mike W
1996 Toyota Celica ST205 GT-FOUR
GT2860RS turbine, TiAL mvr44, JE 86.5φ piston, Clutchmasters FX400, APEX P-FC
269awhp / 273ft-lbs
post Mar 21, 2010 - 4:07 PM
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Joined Jan 10, '09
From Burtonsville, Maryland
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QUOTE (delusionz @ Mar 21, 2010 - 12:22 PM) *
With the stock BOV plumbed back into a pod filter intake like that, does it make a "tu tu tu tu tu" sound or none at all?

I havent really had a chance to drive it much other than just revving the engine but it does make a litte sound, nothing distinct though

Still trying to find the cure for ST205 asthma..
6gc.net's outlaw vigilante because im a LEADER not a follower.
post Apr 7, 2010 - 9:40 PM
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Joined Jan 10, '09
From Burtonsville, Maryland
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its nearing the end you guys!! very shortly my first car ever will be gone. I dunno why this is soo emotional for me.. it feels like I'm breaking up with my girlfriend. frown.gif

Still trying to find the cure for ST205 asthma..
6gc.net's outlaw vigilante because im a LEADER not a follower.
post Apr 7, 2010 - 10:16 PM
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Joined Aug 5, '06
From San Luis AZ
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i dont understand why are you selling it after doing a swap man.
i think that if you do a swap to your car is because you are going to keep it!

post Apr 8, 2010 - 12:05 AM
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Joined Jan 10, '09
From Burtonsville, Maryland
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QUOTE (joehernandez @ Apr 7, 2010 - 10:16 PM) *
i dont understand why are you selling it after doing a swap man.
i think that if you do a swap to your car is because you are going to keep it!

I just don't have the funds to make it 100% complete.. and even If I did I just don't have the time either.. so far in 2010 I've only seen my car a couple days. Its not fair for her to be sitting around.. when someone could be driving her..

Still trying to find the cure for ST205 asthma..
6gc.net's outlaw vigilante because im a LEADER not a follower.

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