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> MSD, Iridium, or Stock Ignition?
post Jun 15, 2010 - 12:19 AM
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Joined Mar 22, '10
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I have a friend who wanted to upgrade his ignition system. He wanted to install MSD just like me but I'm not sure if that would be necessary for him.

He is just running on stock 3rd gen 3s-ge engine. The mods he has is just the intake, headers and exhaust and he has no plans to do some internal mods or upgrades and will never go on force induction.

I just told him to use iridium plugs if he wants a more efficient ignition. But he thinks this will be more expensive in the long run since the price of the plugs is about 1/4 the price of MSD (excluding the tach adapter and coil).

He loves running on full-throttle and he is afraid that there might be misfiring around higher rpms that might damage his engine or limit the power of his engine.

If you are to give him advise, what would it be?

post Jun 18, 2010 - 4:45 PM
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Joined Apr 25, '06
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The MSD sistem is a great upgade, i have one SCI with coil Blaster.
With 3s ge is a good upgrade, i use with thes engine and was very powerfull, high rpm 7-7500 rpms.

post Jun 19, 2010 - 3:47 AM
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Joined Mar 22, '10
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thanks for your input sattelite! it's well appreciated.

guys, please keep it coming.


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