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> radiator coolant spilled out everywhere, engine component causing it or gaskets
post Feb 8, 2011 - 7:31 PM
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i tried searching the threads and came up numerous thread that only mentioned the words searched "radiator fluid" "main head gasket," but still no answers. sorry if this is in the wrong spot

i opened my hood one morning and found radiator fluid all over the driver side where the battery and the intake is located and the driver side headlamp drenched in coolant fluid....i opened the rad cap and no coolant. i have checked underneath the radiator for any signs of crack but nothing....the reservoir was empty as well....

first i think these are the symptoms of a bad head gasket....so far no white smoke or any smoke yet.....i don't remember seeing the temp gauge going up neither...i have replaced the water pump recently because coolant was found leaking on the passenger side of the engine and all over the passenger back headlamp.

i have pour new coolant in and filled her up....but i have yet to test her with the chemical test for combustion leak...don't have the kit or money to buy yet...any solution ya'll might have for my problem or a way to tackle it besides buying a kit to chemically test it?

i have googled and read as much as i can on main head gasket problem...but there was too much variables to make it known for sure...all sources leads to a taking it to a mechanic to test which is quite expensive.

if it helps...i started the car up and open the rad cap to pour in coolant....bubbles from here and there (car was started from cold to warm); still no leaks anywhere or signs of over-heating on the temp gauge

if anyone can enlighten me on the problem if you had a similar problem to mines or clear information on main head gaskets blown or why radiator coolant would back pressure to create overflow...that would be nice

i think i might have to replace either or all: *trying to avoid having to take out the engine and open it up if i don't have too.

1. rad cap needs to be changed
2. main head gasket
3. thermostat
4. new radiator

This post has been edited by chacha: Feb 8, 2011 - 7:36 PM
post Feb 8, 2011 - 11:56 PM
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It's relatively easy to change the rad cap to a new rad, water-pump or even re-torque the head bolts. However, doing the chemical test can work out cheaper than replacing all 4 you have listed and still have a bad Head-Gasket. Atleast, the sniffer test will let you know what you're up against.

This post has been edited by Mr_Tee: Feb 10, 2011 - 12:30 AM
post Feb 9, 2011 - 12:21 AM
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Same thing happened to me. Turned out being the radiator. The first few times I had to refill didn't yield any leaks, but as time went on the cracks in the radiator made themselves known. I've got my money on the radiator. Hey, it's a lot cheaper to fix that than a head gasket.

post Feb 9, 2011 - 1:00 AM
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cracks are really hard to spot on the radiator. they're usually hairline cracks or small pin holes that burst through the end tanks or through the radiator and coolant hoses. for really small cracks or holes, they can hold coolant in on start up then the coolant would burst through once the engine reaches operating temperatures spraying all over the engine bay and under the hood. i've had it happen on all my cars so i wouldn't be surprised if it happened with yours.

post Feb 9, 2011 - 9:23 AM
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same here, i had a hairline fracture in my radiator top tank, turned into a massive long crack and a big mess.

a radiator shop will be able to replace that top tank, while ur at it its a good time to replace the thermostat and radiator cap, just get new genuine items from toyota.

Mike W
1996 Toyota Celica ST205 GT-FOUR
GT2860RS turbine, TiAL mvr44, JE 86.5φ piston, Clutchmasters FX400, APEX P-FC
269awhp / 273ft-lbs
post Feb 9, 2011 - 9:28 AM
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to get the rad out just undo all the fan plugs, fuse boxes, 2 water pipes and the bolts on the 2 retainers and it should just slide up.

you can flush the system by unbolting the thermostat housing, removing the thermostat, bolting the thermostat housing back up and running a high pressure hose thru it.. open up the heater while ur at it.

Mike W
1996 Toyota Celica ST205 GT-FOUR
GT2860RS turbine, TiAL mvr44, JE 86.5φ piston, Clutchmasters FX400, APEX P-FC
269awhp / 273ft-lbs
post Feb 9, 2011 - 1:05 PM
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ok....ill replace the radiator...guess there is no def solution to finding out the problem until we replaced it....thanks for all your inputs.

from what i just describe...do you guys think it can be my main head gasket or it possibly be my rad?

i think it build up pressure and my reservoir tank breather hole is where all the liquid came out of....but the rad being crack could explain why the radiator was empty....if it was that, how come my temp gauge didn't go up high?

This post has been edited by chacha: Feb 9, 2011 - 1:09 PM
post Feb 9, 2011 - 1:59 PM
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Mike W
1996 Toyota Celica ST205 GT-FOUR
GT2860RS turbine, TiAL mvr44, JE 86.5φ piston, Clutchmasters FX400, APEX P-FC
269awhp / 273ft-lbs
post Feb 9, 2011 - 3:05 PM
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ok...i topped with coolant; on cold start i let the car warm and this is what i see:

(the reservoir has no coolant at all to begin with....radiator is full with coolant...)

as the engine got warmer or hotter, the radiator tube connected from the cap of the radiator to the reservoir was spitting out hot coolant into the reservoir and filling her up and from the breather hole...that was how coolant was found spilling all over the driver side space where the battery was.

note: i just changed the water pump not too long ago...

i read that it could be the radiator cap not holding pressure...so it backs up and coolant flows back to the reservoir? true or untrue?

early signs of main head gasket?

i would go and buy a rad cap, but broke until this weekend...

when does the fan usually come on btw? the car was started off cold to warm....i rev it a bit and the engine got hot...but the fans didn't turn on....(i didn't turn on ac/heat) does the fan only come on with the ac/heat on or does it come on without having to turn on the ac/heat?

This post has been edited by chacha: Feb 9, 2011 - 3:09 PM
post Feb 9, 2011 - 3:53 PM
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QUOTE (chacha @ Feb 9, 2011 - 2:05 PM) *
as the engine got warmer or hotter, the radiator tube connected from the cap of the radiator to the reservoir was spitting out hot coolant into the reservoir and filling her up and from the breather hole...that was how coolant was found spilling all over the driver side space where the battery was.

there should be a hose that connects under the reservoir cap leading down to the bottom of the reservoir.. it looks like you don't have one or maybe it's not connected. there should also be a good amount of coolant in the reservoir and shouldn't be left empty.

post Feb 9, 2011 - 4:51 PM
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When car reaches operating temps and idling the fans should kick on. Whats the temp gauge reading that you're overheating?

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post Feb 9, 2011 - 6:19 PM
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ill post a video, that seems much easier.

gerald, it has the tubes u mentioned.

post Feb 10, 2011 - 4:51 AM
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Joined Feb 11, '08
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how bad does your coolant look? whats the mix ratio? sounds like its boiling over.

ive also had this happen after a prolonged trashing of the gt4 while running green coolant (the cheap stuff) 50/50 with water, after i parked up and let the turbo timer run its course, lots of boiling coolant started pissing out the little hole in the reservoir.

never had it happen when running toyota red coolant.

I always put a little coolant concentrate in the bottom of my reservoir to help prevent stuff getting burnt by boiling liquid.

Mike W
1996 Toyota Celica ST205 GT-FOUR
GT2860RS turbine, TiAL mvr44, JE 86.5φ piston, Clutchmasters FX400, APEX P-FC
269awhp / 273ft-lbs
post Feb 10, 2011 - 4:54 AM
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replace your radiator cap too btw, its cheap, and usually the rubber seal gets warped, sometimes u can lose it in the radiator

Mike W
1996 Toyota Celica ST205 GT-FOUR
GT2860RS turbine, TiAL mvr44, JE 86.5φ piston, Clutchmasters FX400, APEX P-FC
269awhp / 273ft-lbs
post Feb 12, 2011 - 5:07 AM
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Joined Dec 29, '05
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i changed the radiator cap and the themostat....turns out both were very worn out....rad cap didn't hold pressure and the thermostat wasn't open as well. im just glad it wasn't the main head gasket, although it is a old car and it will soon need a replacement; all the gaskets. (had to go through any remove the ac compressor out to access the damn bolt on the bottom of the thermostat cover)

THANK YOU everyone for your help.

This post has been edited by chacha: Feb 12, 2011 - 5:09 AM

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