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> Question about our Transmissions
post Jan 9, 2018 - 9:16 PM
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Joined Jan 27, '14
From Houston
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Random question that came into my mind. Does the type of clutch In our cars have a name
Apparently there’s two of them . My friend said my clutch is weird
Because you can change gear perfectly until the clutch is almost fully depressed while his you can switch gears As soon as your depressing the clutch. Does this make sense or I am crazy ? If it does exist
What’s the name ? Can we change clutch types?
Do we have to fully press and depress our clutches ?
One question turned into multiple whoops !!!!
post Jan 9, 2018 - 9:48 PM
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Joined Feb 23, '12
From Warrior, AL
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Every car is different, more so has to do the synchronizers in the transmission and how soon the clutch disengages in the pedal travel. Another factor being the condition of the clutch hydraulics(or cable when applicable) and the clutch itself. If you're good you can shift without using the clutch at all by matching the engine and transmission speed and it'll slide into the next gear with moderate pressure on the lever.

As far clutch types there're push clutches which the majority of cars have, and then you have pull clutches which are more rare. Which is how the clutch pressure plate is engaged and disengaged. Then you have single friction discs, then single friction puck style, and then you also have multi friction discs. There's a lot of variety there, but that's more so the aftermarket's doing whereas pull or push is an o.e. design choice.

Though as far as fully depressing the clutch goes, yes you always should so then you're not putting unnecessary wear and tear on the transmission when you're not perfectly matching engine and transmission speeds.

2001 Miata LS 5-speed
post Jan 15, 2018 - 11:16 PM
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Joined Dec 8, '03
From Lancaster CA
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Reputation: 6 (100%)

you should always push the clutch to the floor

2001 Celica GT-S Turbo
1997 Supra TT 6speed
1997 Celica 3MZ/1MZ swap
1990 Celica All-Trac

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