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> can a 7afe NA meet my hp goals?, about 170hp would be nice
post Feb 20, 2012 - 6:12 PM
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Joined Jan 8, '12
From Baltimore MD
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So yeah my goal is about 170 hp. I know that's a lot to ask for out of my motor but is it possible to do keeping it na and fairly reliable. basicly minor internal upgrades and bolt ons? I just want somthing kinda quick for now not looking for a track car. The reason I'm looking into going this direction over a swap is because I've never taken apart a motor or even relaced on at this point and id like to attempt that when I feel alitle more comfterable. And I've seen pictures of wireing harness's and it looks like that would be a disaster waiting to happen with one broken clip or one mix matched wire blah blah. So any opinions??

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