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> clutch choice for boost 7afe, which one should i get??
post May 23, 2011 - 9:58 PM
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Joined May 4, '09
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as tittle says im getting a clutch next week for my 7afe witch is going to be on boost. im am looking at this one which is a ACT HD Clutch Kit6 Puck Sprung it cost $346 good choice????


post May 24, 2011 - 12:16 AM
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Joined Dec 8, '03
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too much! the 7A-FE uses th same clutch as the 1ZZ and 2ZZ. get a clutch kit from southbend for 100 less. call Andy in the import dept. Tell him that i sent you and what you want. im thinking that a TZ with an upgraded pressure plate is all you need. you dont need a puck clutch.

dxdracingclutches.com just ask for andy in imports. he will take care of you, just make sure you tell him i sent you

2001 Celica GT-S Turbo
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post May 24, 2011 - 4:06 AM
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i ran a centerforce stage 3 in my celica in the states with a 4afe. it was great i loved it felt like a normal clutch. yeah it was only a 1.6L N/A but it was fun lol.
post May 24, 2011 - 10:25 PM
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QUOTE (Smaay @ May 24, 2011 - 1:16 AM) *
too much! the 7A-FE uses th same clutch as the 1ZZ and 2ZZ. get a clutch kit from southbend for 100 less. call Andy in the import dept. Tell him that i sent you and what you want. im thinking that a TZ with an upgraded pressure plate is all you need. you dont need a puck clutch.

dxdracingclutches.com just ask for andy in imports. he will take care of you, just make sure you tell him i sent you

Do you know if with this clutch (southbend) the clutch pedak will get hard as act?

post May 25, 2011 - 9:08 AM
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no the nice thing about southbend clutches, the pedals feel just like OEM but have much stronger gripforce. its all in their design of the pressure plate springs. I highly recommend them, i have a southbend cllutch in every one of my cars now! they even made me a special clutch for my Supra.

2001 Celica GT-S Turbo
1997 Supra TT 6speed
1997 Celica 3MZ/1MZ swap
1990 Celica All-Trac
post May 25, 2011 - 6:33 PM
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QUOTE (Smaay @ May 25, 2011 - 10:08 AM) *
no the nice thing about southbend clutches, the pedals feel just like OEM but have much stronger gripforce. its all in their design of the pressure plate springs. I highly recommend them, i have a southbend cllutch in every one of my cars now! they even made me a special clutch for my Supra.

Ok sounds perfect and i guessing there are different types right? Which one should i get?

post May 25, 2011 - 8:14 PM
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I have an Exedy Racing Stage 2 clutch in my 7A-FTE, its been in for about 3-1/2 years now and I love it. My reason for going with an Exedy was that a lot of other clutch kits will use an exedy disc since they are good quality products and I have never heard about any problems with them breaking.

I also recommended it to Martin (malpaso) for his 7A-FTE and he loved it, here's his review: http://www.6gc.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=55942&hl=

It does not feel like a stock clutch at all, but it grabs damn well. But you can get whatever you want, just thought I'd throw another option out there.

7A-FTE: It's not about the money. Our Beams Swap.

I <3 Dustin---07/16/06
post May 25, 2011 - 8:45 PM
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QUOTE (hurley97 @ May 25, 2011 - 9:14 PM) *
I have an Exedy Racing Stage 2 clutch in my 7A-FTE, its been in for about 3-1/2 years now and I love it. My reason for going with an Exedy was that a lot of other clutch kits will use an exedy disc since they are good quality products and I have never heard about any problems with them breaking.

I also recommended it to Martin (malpaso) for his 7A-FTE and he loved it, here's his review: http://www.6gc.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=55942&hl=

It does not feel like a stock clutch at all, but it grabs damn well. But you can get whatever you want, just thought I'd throw another option out there.

sounds good! so that one is a stage 2 and its a "drag racing" one? isnt that a problem? my car is a daily car. is the pedal too hard compared with oem one?

post May 26, 2011 - 9:17 AM
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thats why i say to call Andy and he will build it the way you want it. much better than just ordering on a website and not knowing what you will be getting. Just call Southbend and have that security that you will have the perfect clutch for your application

2001 Celica GT-S Turbo
1997 Supra TT 6speed
1997 Celica 3MZ/1MZ swap
1990 Celica All-Trac
post May 27, 2011 - 1:07 PM
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QUOTE (diegohiga @ May 25, 2011 - 9:45 PM) *
QUOTE (hurley97 @ May 25, 2011 - 9:14 PM) *
I have an Exedy Racing Stage 2 clutch in my 7A-FTE, its been in for about 3-1/2 years now and I love it. My reason for going with an Exedy was that a lot of other clutch kits will use an exedy disc since they are good quality products and I have never heard about any problems with them breaking.

I also recommended it to Martin (malpaso) for his 7A-FTE and he loved it, here's his review: http://www.6gc.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=55942&hl=

It does not feel like a stock clutch at all, but it grabs damn well. But you can get whatever you want, just thought I'd throw another option out there.

sounds good! so that one is a stage 2 and its a "drag racing" one? isnt that a problem? my car is a daily car. is the pedal too hard compared with oem one?

I drive my car almost every day. It's not a drag racing clutch, its Exedy's racing line of clutches that have higher torque ratings. But like I said, pedal feel and drive-ability in traffic are definitely not stock but you get used to it.

7A-FTE: It's not about the money. Our Beams Swap.

I <3 Dustin---07/16/06
post May 27, 2011 - 1:44 PM
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Joined Dec 30, '09
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I hate my exedy stage 2 lol. The pedal isn't too hard, but you can't slip it worth sh*...which is only an issue when you're driving in traffic a lot or the one that really pisses me off..when I'm trying to drive my car up the ramps I made.
*Edit...I guess I really only hate it when I'm doing those two things, it's a pretty good little clutch otherwise.

This post has been edited by al94st: May 27, 2011 - 1:59 PM
post May 12, 2012 - 3:58 AM
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Joined Apr 24, '08
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hey Smaay what the crap!! I called andy last thursday to order a clutch hybrid for my clutch kit. Turns out andy wasn't much help. I just got my clutch kit today, and turns out he just order a stage 1 clutch kit for a 5sfe. i told him I needed the stage 1 95 mr2 turbo kit with 5sfe spline and release bearing. Opened my package and I got screwed over.

I ordered it thursday and he said it would get out by monday. Thinking he was building the hybrid kit. Turns out he messed up. My only other option now is spec, but at 295 ft lb torque thats way to much for a stock beams motor.

al the parts I got on the kit are exedy. This is a stage 1 clutch kit for 5sfe. How it is supposed to handle the 210 ft lb toruqe claim up on southbend clutch's web page????

This post has been edited by BonzaiCelica: May 12, 2012 - 3:59 AM

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