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> Red Cars Again...., First hand experience.....
post Feb 6, 2004 - 1:55 PM
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Joined Aug 29, '02
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Well, I bought the red miata I was looking at. Its a great car, love it. I've had it for a little over a week now. Yesterday, I got a ticket. I was on my way to work, traffic was moving at 80-85, I was going with traffic and had to speed up to get around some moron that was totally oblivious to what he was doing....all of a sudden....flashing lights. He could have pulled any one of those people over, he chose me. The one person that was probably paying the most attention to what they were doing and was probably the most aware of the other cars around them. Grr. Anyway, he busted me for 90 in a 65 and no front plate. I called the lawyer today, sounds like the possibilities are good.

I've had my celica here in dallas for just over 8 months and I've never gotten a ticket. Go figure.

Its sad that because I feel that I NEED to drive faster than traffic to keep myself safe from the 'others'(thats another topic) that I am penalized. Its even more sad that when I am penalized and have to pay someone money, that I would rather pay a lawyer than the government. What the most sad of all, is that the reason I'm paying the lawyer is so I don't have to pay the government AND the insurance company even more. Thats messed up.
post Feb 6, 2004 - 1:58 PM
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QUOTE (SpedToe169 @ Feb 6, 2004 - 1:55 PM)
Its sad that because I feel that I NEED to drive faster than traffic to keep myself safe from the 'others'(thats another topic) that I am penalized.

I hear that man. NJ has some of the crappiest drivers in my opinion, they don't have any consideration for the other cars, thank god I haven't gotten a ticket for trying to avoid them. its a rediculous system, but what are you gonna do.
post Feb 6, 2004 - 2:01 PM
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Joined Oct 13, '02
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Amen, gh0st....our state has some horrible drivers in it, and im in the same boat as you. I try to go with the flow as much as i can to not be a victim of their stupidity.

That really sucks about getting a ticket though. I think with your driving experience/expertise and the situation at hand you'll hopefully be able to fight it or at least reduce the penalty.


3rd gen ST205 3SGTE - Alive and boosting.
post Feb 6, 2004 - 7:16 PM
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Joined Dec 27, '03
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Red cars... I feel ya. I however, am just lucky I guess. I never actually *got* a ticket, but have been pulled over before... for obviously stupid reasons... "how ya doin, a little fast, tone it down..." that sort of crap. Sucks for you Spedtoe... a 90 in 65 is like around 150 bucks I think... good luck with your defense...

"It's ok to be naked girl... I'm an artist!"

1995 AT200 Celica ST: stocked out daily driver...

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post Feb 6, 2004 - 7:38 PM
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That's how I got my seatbelt ticket. i was driving home from school and this cop comes from no where tailgated me for 2 minutes and then switched lanes and travelled the same speed as me for 2 minutes and stared at me. He passed 4 cars and changed 2 lanes. Finally he pulled me over, and he wrote me a ticket. Out of all the other cars, he chose me and I wasn't doing anything crazy either. Stupid ass popo

This post has been edited by hioctane: Feb 6, 2004 - 7:41 PM
post Feb 6, 2004 - 7:41 PM
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Joined Nov 4, '02
From Hecho en la Republica Dominicana/Living in NJ
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QUOTE (gh0st_d0g @ Feb 6, 2004 - 2:58 PM)
QUOTE (SpedToe169 @ Feb 6, 2004 - 1:55 PM)
Its sad that because I feel that I NEED to drive faster than traffic to keep myself safe from the 'others'(thats another topic) that I am penalized.

I hear that man. NJ has some of the crappiest drivers in my opinion, they don't have any consideration for the other cars, thank god I haven't gotten a ticket for trying to avoid them. its a rediculous system, but what are you gonna do.

i agree with that.. jersey drivers suck most of them...it's like the have no clue that other people are driving as well..

post Feb 7, 2004 - 12:02 PM
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Joined Dec 20, '02
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25 over is only $150???
im moving over there. here it is 130 for only 10 over.
my friend got a ticket for 30 over and it was for $297
post Feb 8, 2004 - 1:37 AM
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Joined Apr 20, '03
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I'm sure the cop is thinking that you could have just slowed down instead of speeding up. But the way I see it, if you're goin over the speed limit then sometimes you're gonna get a ticket. Probably a few othertimes the cop decided to pull over somebody who wasn't you when you were all going fast.
post Feb 8, 2004 - 3:38 AM
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Joined Apr 19, '03
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Wanna talk about some crappy drivers...come here to Washington State. Let me tell you, they can't drive in the Rain, Snow or Sunny weather they freak out too much. Hah, oh well but at least it isn't Virginia where they give you a ticket for doin .000005 mph over the speed limit. lmao oh well im done sucks u got a ticket and try to fight as much of it as possible...latazz
post Feb 8, 2004 - 3:55 AM
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Joined Jan 20, '04
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all i have to say is that i am from dirt jerz and the system they have goin on over here is rediculous...over here the cops don't know thier heads from thier a$$e$
post Feb 8, 2004 - 12:12 PM
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Joined Aug 29, '02
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I'm sure the cop is thinking that you could have just slowed down instead of speeding up. But the way I see it, if you're goin over the speed limit then sometimes you're gonna get a ticket. Probably a few othertimes the cop decided to pull over somebody who wasn't you when you were all going fast.

You're exactly right. The way I look at it, I'm always going to speed. Sometimes I'll get caught. My goal is to minimize that as much as possible. If I get caught once a year or less, I'm happy. As far as I'm concerned, them catching me that one time means I've paid my dues and can speed on for the rest of the year. Damn the man. I'll be buying a V1 soon, maybe that will help. I didn't have a RD in the Miata when I got caught this time.
post Feb 8, 2004 - 2:32 PM
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Joined Aug 20, '03
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QUOTE (macavely @ Feb 7, 2004 - 12:41 AM)
QUOTE (gh0st_d0g @ Feb 6, 2004 - 2:58 PM)
QUOTE (SpedToe169 @ Feb 6, 2004 - 1:55 PM)
Its sad that because I feel that I NEED to drive faster than traffic to keep myself safe from the 'others'(thats another topic) that I am penalized.

I hear that man. NJ has some of the crappiest drivers in my opinion, they don't have any consideration for the other cars, thank god I haven't gotten a ticket for trying to avoid them. its a rediculous system, but what are you gonna do.

i agree with that.. jersey drivers suck most of them...it's like the have no clue that other people are driving as well..

I will 4th that, my girls paents an gran parents all live up there. i would always driv up there with her an visit her family, every time i drove around i would have someone cuting me off, or comeing close as hell to hitting me. then one day, driving along, a guy runns a stop light so i swerve an miss him, then another guy cus me off, then i slow down so i dont hit, him. then im driving along a back road, and some car slams on its breaks to a comlete stop, and then speeds off, then does it again, then pull sof the side of the road, and then as i start to pass , cuts me off. As im driving along i finally calm down, and then i come up to an intersection, ... as i see this guy coming through, me knowning that he had a stop sign, i was slowing down, thinkin he taped the gas an was gunna break, so i slamed the breaks an cutt the wheel, next thing i know.... damn i didnt know i had air bags.... hehehe..... this is what happened, wrecked pics its my bimmer by the way, scroll down far, sorry, im still pissed

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