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> 94' GT 2.2 , intermittent stalling
post Jun 7, 2018 - 11:09 AM
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Joined Apr 23, '16
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I have a 94 GT 2.2 that stalls intermittently. Sometimes I can drive 1 mile before it stalls and then it may go over 100 miles before it happens again, but it has gotten more frequent.

I am getting no codes, the CEL does not stay on, only getting a quick flash just as the engine stumbles and stalls. It will restart right after stalling most of the time, then other times I will have to let it sit for a couple of minutes before it will restart.

Its gotten to the point where I don't trust it enough to leave the driveway. Yesterday it would run for two or three minutes then cutoff. I repeated this 5 or 6 times, it did the same each time. I did notice that there is a hard miss a second or two
before it stalls out.

I have replaced the fuel pump with no change.

I know there are a lot possible things that it could be and I am not looking of a diagnosis , just wondering if someone else has had an issue like this that could help me narrow down the possibilities a little.

Thanks for any help you can give
post Jun 8, 2018 - 9:41 AM
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Does anyone know if the 94 GT 2.2L has a crankshaft position sensor? If so, where is the connector located?

I have been trying to find information on the internet, not having much luck.

Maybe the crankshaft or camshaft sensor is causing the problem?

post Jun 8, 2018 - 2:07 PM
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Joined May 2, '15
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Does it stall when idling? Check IACV - Idle Air Control Valve. Clean it or replace altogether. Common item.

If it stalls when you have the foot on the gas, could be ignition or fuel problem. You'd need to test and diagnose fuel and/or ignition system.
post Jun 8, 2018 - 2:28 PM
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I stalls while idling and while driving with foot on the gas.

post Jun 8, 2018 - 5:33 PM
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Was able to get code 13 using diagnostic port under the hood. ''engine speed sensor''

Not sure where to go from here.
post Jun 11, 2018 - 12:58 PM
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Joined May 2, '15
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Engine speed would be either the crank/cam position sensor which would drive the injectors, or the spark plug return signal.

Spark plug return signal tells the ECU that the spark went off successfully and the ECU continues to feed fuel. Without spark confirmation, the fuel would get cut off by the ECU. This also feeds the tachometer. A quick google search seems to indicate that code 13 is tach rpm signal.
EDIT: Ignition system problems would probably throw ignition related code. Since you got speed code, I would verify crank/cam sensors first. Start by measuring resistance.
The cam and/or crank position sensor tells the ECU where the crankshaft and camshaft are so that the ECU can decide when to send fuel.

You'll have to research this further, I'm just throwing some ideas off the top of my head.

This post has been edited by slavie: Jun 14, 2018 - 11:03 AM

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