6G Celicas

Interview with edo17982

6G Celicas: What's your name, how old are you, and what do you do for a living?

Edo: My name's Edoardo, I'm 23, and I work as air traffic controller in Milano radar center.

6GC: When, why and how did you first acquire your celica?

Edo: When I was 12, I remember that the 1st 6th gen Celi came out and I saw it for the first time in front of my house...it was love at first sight and since that moment I dreamt only about this car...then in 2002 finally I got it. A guy was selling it and at a stop light I asked him: may I try it? I'm interested in it! The first time I drove it I was so excited that I was feeling like I was at seventh heaven and I seemed like I wasn't even able to drive. =) But the decision took me just few minutes and 2 days later it became my baby!

6GC: What were your original plans for the car? Have they changed since?

Edo: When I bought it I wanted to do some mods on it but I had no job and no money to do...so I started with a custom exhaust 2 months after I acquired the car and I was thinkin it would be the only one...well as you can see...things changed a bit. =P

6GC: What are your future plans for the car?

Edo: Well...actually I think I have the Celi as I always wanted it...clean style, modded engine, nice interior...I think this car almost gave me everything she had to give...so now...I'm looking for a new car...maybe the sister Supra? ;)

6GC: How and when did you find out about 6GC.net?

Edo: Well I don't even remember how I found it...maybe browsing the net looking for a community for my car...when I found 6gc...I felt home and I found nice people to talk about the car, problems and everything.

6GC: Any last comments you'd like to make?

Edo: Well..first I'd like to thank Coomer for giving his soul in this community because without this...I wouldn't have known many people and all the possibilities to build my car as it is now. And then the bigger thanks is for the guy who became one of my best friend...a guy who does so many things for so many people, keeping us speechless every time he creates something new...but the main thing...a guy who is a really special friend to me and one of the nicest people I've ever known...You all know him as Doggy...well...Thanks Romas.

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