6G Celicas

Interview with DSRT-FX

6G Celicas: What’s your name, how old are you and what do you do for a living?

Hey guys my name is Rom I’m 22 years of age, a sales representative for LG and a student studying in the field of Telecommunications Engineering.

6GC: When, why and how did you first acquire your Celica?

Rom: I first acquired my Celica in August of 2004 at a local Chrysler dealership. Found it at the second-hand section and simply loved it from the start. I've been a huge fan of the Celicas since the 5th generation days when they were still at the rally championships. And also the good ol' Sega Rally days! It’s a dissapointment they aren't entered no more.

6GC: What were your original plans for the car? Have they changed since?

Rom: My initial plans for the Celica have changed dramatically, exterior wise I would have put on the Veilside bodykit but ever since I’ve known this website I liked the SS-III look more and more, simple and sophisticated. Engine wise I haven't done much except future plans of a 3S-GTE or a rare 3S-GE BEAMS conversion.

6GC: What are your future plans for the car?

Rom: Future plans would be to complete the genuine SS-III exterior conversion Inc. Front grille, 2-post wing with rasier blocks and a custom vented bonnet. As far as engine mods are concerned definitely a screaming 3S-GE conversion or an exciting 3S-GTE conversion.

6GC: How and when did you find out about 6gc.net?

Rom: I found out about 6gc.net a while before I purchased had the car. It was brought to my attention by a friend of mine when I was in the market for a car. Ever since i’ve developed good relationships with other members and have also made a small group in Australia to represent ever-growing 6gc.net community.

6GC: Any last comments you'd like to make?

Rom: I'd like to thank Coomer for the opportunity and privilege to become a featured ride on this excellent website that he's created. Thank you for the members who have helped me and given me their personal opinions. I'd also like to give a shout out to the 6gc.net group in Australia who have yet to make a team name [to be announced soon]. Lastly but most importantly to my girlfriend for putting up with me.

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