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- 1995 GT Convertible Added over 19 years ago.
Member Details
I am 20 years old. I have had my Celica for a year now, and cannot wait to fix it up. I'm currently going to school for auto body repair. Next Aug I will be attending UTI in Phoenix, Az, I will be learning about engine performance. My brother will be attending at the same time, he will soon be a 6th gen. Celica owner. I like to fabricate, do things people say are impossible, and have a very fast car or two. I was going to put a 3s-gte into my '87 Celica GT coupe, but bought the '95 instead. I plan on making the car RWD, but that is a little ways down the road from here.
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Joined over 19 years ago
Last active over 17 years ago
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Location: New Mexico, USA