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- 1994 GT Hatchback Added about 18 years ago.
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I am a 21 female, from Kishinev its the capital of the Republic of Moldova. I have been here for 5 yrs and am learning a lot about this country. I have always like cars but have not been able to hook one up till now!!! In my country the GT-FOUR is king of the streets and I have always dreamed of owning one!!! My dreams were crushed when I got to the US and found out that this country dose not have them... So I bought a Celica GT for $400 and drove it for about a year stock, then my boyfriend sudgested I buy a new car, I told him that I liked my car and did not want to sell it!!! Thats when the decision was made to build the Celica of my dreams!!! All thoe it may never perform like the Celica GT-FOUR, it will surely look like it could!!!
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Location: Pembroke Pines, Florida